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Vanna Vinci è nata a Cagliari il 30 aprile 1964. Per Giunti Progetti Educativi, in collaborazione con Ikea ha realizzato le illustrazioni per At home - la casa sostenibile 3.0. Per l'Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (Roma) ha creato la copertina e le vignette del volume Nati per leggere, una guida per genitori e futuri lettori (2001).
Tra il 1993 e il 2003 per Tam Tam (Cagliari) ha illustrato i tre volumi di Zuzù racconta (La preistoria in Sardegna, La sardegna nella storia: i Fenici, i Punici e i Romani, La Sardegna medioevale), Cuoco per gioco e la Guida al museo archeologico di Cagliari.
Vanna Vinci was born in Cagliari on April 30th 1964. She graduated at the European Institute of Design. Together with her colleague Licia Casula she founded Mow Mow, a graphic design studio that created logos, posters, advertising and communication campaigns, among which the logo of the Brotzu Cagliari Hospital and two promotional campaigns for the separate waste collection of the town of Seridana and the Regional Administration of Sardinia.
She began her career as comic artist in 1989, when two of her works were published in the magazine Fumo di china (Milano). Between 1989 and 1994 two more stories were printed in the magazine Nova Express by Granata Press (Bologna): Doppio sogno and L’altra parte (that was collected in volume in 1993) . In 1995 her work Guarda che luna, script by Giovanni Mattioli, was first published in the miniseries Mondo Naif by Edizioni Star Comics (Perugia). In 1996 the graphic novel Una casa a Venezia, signed by Vinci and Mattioli, was created for the magazine Amie by Kodansha (Tokyo). Between 1996 and 2006 her stories were regularly printed in the magazine Mondo Naif by Kappa Edizioni (Bologna). Many of her books have been published by Kappa Edizioni: Ombre (1997), Guarda che Luna (1998), Una casa a Venezia (1999), Lillian Browne (2000), L’Età selvaggia (2001), Viaggio sentimentale (2002), Aida al confine (2003), La bambina filosofica, Anatomia di uno sfacelo (2004), Sophia la ragazza aurea (2005), La bambina filosofica, Pensieri parole opere omissioni (2006), Sophia nella Parigi ermetica (2007), La bambina filosofica, Pillole di saggezza (altrui) (2007), La bambina filosofica, Papé Satan Aleppe (2008), Gatti neri cani bianchi – Reminiscenze parigine (2009), Gatti neri cani bianchi – Lungo la strada (2010). Vanna has also illustrated many children books for several publishers: Operazione brioche, Occhi di cielo, Cabina 102, Filo da torcere, Una casa sul treno by Mondadori Ragazzi (2003-2004). Il giardino segreto (2004), Il libro della giungla (2005) Il cucciolo (2006), La palla perduta -script by Bernardi- (2007) by Fabbri Editori for which she’s illustrated also Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, still unpublished. Pinù l’omino di ferro (1998), Uno per tutti tutti per uno (1998), Un amore oltre l’orizzonte: vita e viaggi di Margaret Mead (2003), Dalla parte dei bambini Maria Montessori (2004) published by EL/Einaudi Ragazzi (Trieste). La
notte dell'eclissi di luna, Ritorno alla casa saracena and Luci di Ferragosto, Il
sorriso delle vongole, Le Arance di Michele by Il Battello a Vapore. Nati per leggere, una guida per genitori e futuri lettori (2001), (cover illustration and sketches by Vanna) published by l'Associazione Italiana Biblioteche – The Italian Library Association- (Roma). Zuzù racconta, 3 volumes (La preistoria in Sardegna, La sardegna nella storia: i Fenici, i Punici e i Romani, La Sardegna medioevale), Cuoco per gioco e la Guida al museo archeologico di Cagliari (1993-2003) by Tam Tam (Cagliari). A passeggio per Bononia - alla ricerca della città romana (2003), produced by the Museum of Archaeology of Bologna. Alla grande: storie di eroi, guida bibliografica per adolescenti (2005), illustrations and cover by Vanna, produced by the Provincial Administration of Cagliari. Vanna drew two issues of the monthly title Legs (Gli adoratori di Osiride e Paura negli abissi) by Sergio Bonelli Editore for which she illustrated also three issues of May, special supplements to the monthly series (1997-2002), and 32 pages (script and drawings both by Vanna) for the Dylan Dog Color Fest (2010). She’s contributed to weekly and monthly magazines, as well as newspapers (Linus by Baldini e Castoldi (Milano), Io Donna Corriere della Sera (Milano), Dolcincasa (Pordenone), L’Unità (Roma). Illustrations and comic stories (in cooperation with Mattioli) of the Ghilli Ghilli series have been published in the magazine Baribal (Bologna). The French editions of Aida al confine, Sophia la ragazza aurea e Sophia nella Parigi ermetica are published by Dargaud (Aida à la croisée des chemins, Sophia la fille en or and Sophia dans Paris ville hermetique). The graphic novel in two volumes, Gatti neri, cani bianchi (original title: Chats noirs, chiens blancs) was as well produced by Dargaud. In 2013 Dargaud also published the illustrated biography of the marquise Luisa Casati Amman La Casati, La muse egoïste. The Italian version La Casati, la musa egoista has been published by Rizzoli Lizard. The first volume of La bambina filosofica is published in Spanish by Planeta and in Catalan by Group 62. The Spanish edition of Aida al confine is published by Dolmen. The new volume of La
bambina filosofica - Houston abbiamo un problema(The Philosophy Kid), the most acerbic and rebellious character Vanna’s
created, is published by Rizzoli Lizard during 2012. She has taught at the Academy of Art of Bologna and, in cooperation with Giovanni Mattioli and Silvana Sola, in the workshop Grammatiche del fumetto at ISIA in Urbino. Vanna was awarded the Yellow Kid as Best Comic Artist in 1999, the Gran Guinigi in 2005 and the Romics prize as Best European Artist for her book L’età selvaggia in 2001. An exhibition called Sulla Soglia dedicated to Vanna’s works was held in the prestigious Museum of Archaeology of Bologna during the fifth edition of the International Comic Festival Bilbolbul. Her illustrations for the volume Leo e Lia were selected for the Biennial of Illustration of Bratislava in 2011. Her works have been exhibited in Lucca, Trieste, Treviso, Napoli, Roma, Monfalcone, Casalecchio, Bologna, Cagliari, Vignola.
Vanna Vinci was born in Cagliari on April 30th 1964. She graduated at the European Institute of Design. Together with her colleague Licia Casula she founded Mow Mow, a graphic design studio that created logos, posters, advertising and communication campaigns, among which the logo of the Brotzu Cagliari Hospital and two promotional campaigns for the separate waste collection of the town of Seridana and the Regional Administration of Sardinia.
She began her career as comic artist in 1989, when two of her works were published in the magazine Fumo di china (Milano). Between 1989 and 1994 two more stories were printed in the magazine Nova Express by Granata Press (Bologna): Doppio sogno and L’altra parte (that was collected in volume in 1993) . In 1995 her work Guarda che luna, script by Giovanni Mattioli, was first published in the miniseries Mondo Naif by Edizioni Star Comics (Perugia). In 1996 the graphic novel Una casa a Venezia, signed by Vinci and Mattioli, was created for the magazine Amie by Kodansha (Tokyo). Between 1996 and 2006 her stories were regularly printed in the magazine Mondo Naif by Kappa Edizioni (Bologna). Many of her books have been published by Kappa Edizioni: Ombre (1997), Guarda che Luna (1998), Una casa a Venezia (1999), Lillian Browne (2000), L’Età selvaggia (2001), Viaggio sentimentale (2002), Aida al confine (2003), La bambina filosofica, Anatomia di uno sfacelo (2004), Sophia la ragazza aurea (2005), La bambina filosofica, Pensieri parole opere omissioni (2006), Sophia nella Parigi ermetica (2007), La bambina filosofica, Pillole di saggezza (altrui) (2007), La bambina filosofica, Papé Satan Aleppe (2008), Gatti neri cani bianchi – Reminiscenze parigine (2009), Gatti neri cani bianchi – Lungo la strada (2010). Vanna has also illustrated many children books for several publishers: Operazione brioche, Occhi di cielo, Cabina 102, Filo da torcere, Una casa sul treno by Mondadori Ragazzi (2003-2004). Il giardino segreto (2004), Il libro della giungla (2005) Il cucciolo (2006), La palla perduta -script by Bernardi- (2007) by Fabbri Editori for which she’s illustrated also Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, still unpublished. Pinù l’omino di ferro (1998), Uno per tutti tutti per uno (1998), Un amore oltre l’orizzonte: vita e viaggi di Margaret Mead (2003), Dalla parte dei bambini Maria Montessori (2004) published by EL/Einaudi Ragazzi (Trieste). La
notte dell'eclissi di luna, Ritorno alla casa saracena and Luci di Ferragosto, Il
sorriso delle vongole, Le Arance di Michele by Il Battello a Vapore. Nati per leggere, una guida per genitori e futuri lettori (2001), (cover illustration and sketches by Vanna) published by l'Associazione Italiana Biblioteche – The Italian Library Association- (Roma). Zuzù racconta, 3 volumes (La preistoria in Sardegna, La sardegna nella storia: i Fenici, i Punici e i Romani, La Sardegna medioevale), Cuoco per gioco e la Guida al museo archeologico di Cagliari (1993-2003) by Tam Tam (Cagliari). A passeggio per Bononia - alla ricerca della città romana (2003), produced by the Museum of Archaeology of Bologna. Alla grande: storie di eroi, guida bibliografica per adolescenti (2005), illustrations and cover by Vanna, produced by the Provincial Administration of Cagliari. Vanna drew two issues of the monthly title Legs (Gli adoratori di Osiride e Paura negli abissi) by Sergio Bonelli Editore for which she illustrated also three issues of May, special supplements to the monthly series (1997-2002), and 32 pages (script and drawings both by Vanna) for the Dylan Dog Color Fest (2010). She’s contributed to weekly and monthly magazines, as well as newspapers (Linus by Baldini e Castoldi (Milano), Io Donna Corriere della Sera (Milano), Dolcincasa (Pordenone), L’Unità (Roma). Illustrations and comic stories (in cooperation with Mattioli) of the Ghilli Ghilli series have been published in the magazine Baribal (Bologna). The French editions of Aida al confine, Sophia la ragazza aurea e Sophia nella Parigi ermetica are published by Dargaud (Aida à la croisée des chemins, Sophia la fille en or and Sophia dans Paris ville hermetique). The graphic novel in two volumes, Gatti neri, cani bianchi (original title: Chats noirs, chiens blancs) was as well produced by Dargaud. Vanna is actually working at the illustrated biography of the marquise Luisa Casati Amman (La muse egoïste) that will be published by Dargaud for the French market. The first volume of La bambina filosofica is published in Spanish by Planeta and in Catalan by Group 62. The Spanish edition of Aida al confine is published by Dolmen. The new volume of La bambina filosofica (The Philosophy Kid), the most acerbic and rebellious character Vanna’s created, will be published by Rizzoli Lizard. She has taught at the Academy of Art of Bologna and, in cooperation with Giovanni Mattioli and Silvana Sola, in the workshop Grammatiche del fumetto at ISIA in Urbino. Vanna was awarded the Yellow Kid as Best Comic Artist in 1999, the Gran Guinigi in 2005 and the Romics prize as Best European Artist for her book L’età selvaggia in 2001. An exhibition called Sulla Soglia dedicated to Vanna’s works was held in the prestigious Museum of Archaeology of Bologna during the fifth edition of the International Comic Festival Bilbolbul. Her illustrations for the volume Leo e Lia were selected for the Biennial of Illustration of Bratislava in 2011. Her works have been exhibited in Lucca, Trieste, Treviso, Napoli, Roma, Monfalcone, Casalecchio, Bologna, Cagliari, Vignola. Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000221 EndHTML:0000015645 StartFragment:0000002695 EndFragment:0000015609 SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/vannavinci/Documents/Dati%20utente%20Microsoft/Allegati%20salvati/bio%20lunga.doc Vanna Vinci was born in Cagliari on April 30th 1964. She graduated at the European Institute of Design. Together with her colleague Licia Casula she founded Mow Mow, a graphic design studio that created logos, posters, advertising and communication campaigns, among which the logo of the Brotzu Cagliari Hospital and two promotional campaigns for the separate waste collection of the town of Seridana and the Regional Administration of Sardinia.
She began her career as comic artist in 1989, when two of her works were published in the magazine Fumo di china (Milano). Between 1989 and 1994 two more stories were printed in the magazine Nova Express by Granata Press (Bologna): Doppio sogno and L’altra parte (that was collected in volume in 1993) . In 1995 her work Guarda che luna, script by Giovanni Mattioli, was first published in the miniseries Mondo Naif by Edizioni Star Comics (Perugia). In 1996 the graphic novel Una casa a Venezia, signed by Vinci and Mattioli, was created for the magazine Amie by Kodansha (Tokyo). Between 1996 and 2006 her stories were regularly printed in the magazine Mondo Naif by Kappa Edizioni (Bologna). Many of her books have been published by Kappa Edizioni: Ombre (1997), Guarda che Luna (1998), Una casa a Venezia (1999), Lillian Browne (2000), L’Età selvaggia (2001), Viaggio sentimentale (2002), Aida al confine (2003), La bambina filosofica, Anatomia di uno sfacelo (2004), Sophia la ragazza aurea (2005), La bambina filosofica, Pensieri parole opere omissioni (2006), Sophia nella Parigi ermetica (2007), La bambina filosofica, Pillole di saggezza (altrui) (2007), La bambina filosofica, Papé Satan Aleppe (2008), Gatti neri cani bianchi – Reminiscenze parigine (2009), Gatti neri cani bianchi – Lungo la strada (2010). Vanna has also illustrated many children books for several publishers: Operazione brioche, Occhi di cielo, Cabina 102, Filo da torcere, Una casa sul treno by Mondadori Ragazzi (2003-2004). Il giardino segreto (2004), Il libro della giungla (2005) Il cucciolo (2006), La palla perduta -script by Bernardi- (2007) by Fabbri Editori for which she’s illustrated also Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, still unpublished. Pinù l’omino di ferro (1998), Uno per tutti tutti per uno (1998), Un amore oltre l’orizzonte: vita e viaggi di Margaret Mead (2003), Dalla parte dei bambini Maria Montessori (2004) published by EL/Einaudi Ragazzi (Trieste). La
notte dell'eclissi di luna, Ritorno alla casa saracena and Luci di Ferragosto, Il
sorriso delle vongole, Le Arance di Michele by Il Battello a Vapore. Nati per leggere, una guida per genitori e futuri lettori (2001), (cover illustration and sketches by Vanna) published by l'Associazione Italiana Biblioteche – The Italian Library Association- (Roma). Zuzù racconta, 3 volumes (La preistoria in Sardegna, La sardegna nella storia: i Fenici, i Punici e i Romani, La Sardegna medioevale), Cuoco per gioco e la Guida al museo archeologico di Cagliari (1993-2003) by Tam Tam (Cagliari). A passeggio per Bononia - alla ricerca della città romana (2003), produced by the Museum of Archaeology of Bologna. Alla grande: storie di eroi, guida bibliografica per adolescenti (2005), illustrations and cover by Vanna, produced by the Provincial Administration of Cagliari. Vanna drew two issues of the monthly title Legs (Gli adoratori di Osiride e Paura negli abissi) by Sergio Bonelli Editore for which she illustrated also three issues of May, special supplements to the monthly series (1997-2002), and 32 pages (script and drawings both by Vanna) for the Dylan Dog Color Fest (2010). She’s contributed to weekly and monthly magazines, as well as newspapers (Linus by Baldini e Castoldi (Milano), Io Donna Corriere della Sera (Milano), Dolcincasa (Pordenone), L’Unità (Roma). Illustrations and comic stories (in cooperation with Mattioli) of the Ghilli Ghilli series have been published in the magazine Baribal (Bologna). The French editions of Aida al confine, Sophia la ragazza aurea e Sophia nella Parigi ermetica are published by Dargaud (Aida à la croisée des chemins, Sophia la fille en or and Sophia dans Paris ville hermetique). The graphic novel in two volumes, Gatti neri, cani bianchi (original title: Chats noirs, chiens blancs) was as well produced by Dargaud. Vanna is actually working at the illustrated biography of the marquise Luisa Casati Amman (La muse egoïste) that will be published by Dargaud for the French market. The first volume of La bambina filosofica is published in Spanish by Planeta and in Catalan by Group 62. The Spanish edition of Aida al confine is published by Dolmen. The new volume of La bambina filosofica (The Philosophy Kid), the most acerbic and rebellious character Vanna’s created, will be published by Rizzoli Lizard. She has taught at the Academy of Art of Bologna and, in cooperation with Giovanni Mattioli and Silvana Sola, in the workshop Grammatiche del fumetto at ISIA in Urbino. Vanna was awarded the Yellow Kid as Best Comic Artist in 1999, the Gran Guinigi in 2005 and the Romics prize as Best European Artist for her book L’età selvaggia in 2001. An exhibition called Sulla Soglia dedicated to Vanna’s works was held in the prestigious Museum of Archaeology of Bologna during the fifth edition of the International Comic Festival Bilbolbul. Her illustrations for the volume Leo e Lia were selected for the Biennial of Illustration of Bratislava in 2011. Her works have been exhibited in Lucca, Trieste, Treviso, Napoli, Roma, Monfalcone, Casalecchio, Bologna, Cagliari, Vignola.
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